Magnolia Little Gem
$99.00 -
Bottlebrush – Callistemon
Emu bush – Eremophila nivea
Eucalyptus tree
Kangaroo Paw Plant | Kangaroo Plant
Wattles – Acacia

Australian native plants are not just trendy, they are great for any style of garden. They also exemplify the natural beauty of our country. These plants are beautiful, tolerant to the harsh Australian climate, and look amazing with every kind of plant. For gorgeous flower beds and edges, choose River Daisies or Kangaroo Paws. Or for hedges, we recommend Lilly Pilly, Grevilles, Banksia, and Grass Trees.
No matter the size, style or scope of your garden design, there is the perfect, dazzling native plant for you! Our Australian soils are ancient and generally low in fertile and organic matter. As a result, native plant life grows much better in these climates than in others.
Explore our range below, come in-store, or contact our friendly staff today for more information!
If you want to create a sustainable landscape, it’s best to use native flowers and plants. They not only add livability and beauty to your home, but they will also be a legacy for future generations. By using Australian native flowers in your yard and garden, you can preserve nature and its ecosystem while also protecting your family and pets. Below are three great reasons to plant Australian native plants in your yard. They will last for years and improve your quality of life.
Native Australian flowers are adapted to the climate and soil conditions of their area. As a result, they provide nutrition to small animals and large mammals. They are also a cornerstone of the food web. By removing non-native flowers from your yard, you will help preserve your ecosystem’s biodiversity. By using Australian native flowers, you will help protect our environment while improving the health of our local ecosystem. This is especially important when it comes to protecting your home from future droughts.
Australian native plants also support the health of your local environment. They are the nutritional basis for humans, small animals, and birds. They are the cornerstone of a healthy food web. A native Australian flower or plant is vital for wildlife habitat. This is the reason why planting native Australian flower species is important. These plants will contribute to the overall health of the ecosystem. In fact, Australian native flowers can provide a habitat alternative for many species that have been introduced. Additionally, they can be more environmentally friendly, and their low maintenance requirements make them a popular choice for homeowners and land developers.
Aumann’s has a number of Australian native flowers on display in its gardens. Some of these include purple coneflower, blue flag iris, swamp milkweed, black-eyed susans, and yellow-stemmed goldenrod. Many of these species are only found in Australia, but they can still be useful in your landscaping. These native flowers can also be beneficial to the environment and are important pollinators. Here are some examples.
The Palm Valley Myrtle is a native plant of Australia. It is a small tree that grows to about 2.5 meters high. It produces tiny 8-millimeter long flowers. It only grows in Finke Gorge National Park, and is considered a threatened species in the country. The Dallachy’s Banksia is a rare tropical shrub that grows to five meters and produces large, blue-grey flowers. The Dallachy’s Banksy is a species of fern, but its native habitat is not threatened by habitat destruction.
Australian native flowers are widely used for medicinal purposes. The Duboisia species contain scopolamine and hyoscyamine, and the Solanum aviculare and -laciniatum- produce essential oils used in herbal medicines. In addition to being useful in medicine, Australian native flower varieties are also widely used in floriculture. These plants are an important part of Australia’s ecosystems, and can be grown in any garden.
Australian natives are a good choice for first time garden enthusiasts and are long lasting for those who live in conditions where late winters are typical. These plants will cope with diverse soil types and should thrive all year round. If you are in New South Wales, Western Australia, Victoria, South Australia or up North your gardens will be well suited to varieties such as kangaroo paw, Australian honeysuckle, Canberra bells, silver spurflower, little sapphire, lilly pillies and billy buttons. They do well in coastal areas, can endure the full sun and even the desert flame. Best to plant at a young age in early spring. Members of the daisy family, cherry candles and bright wattle are very popular and with minimal water, you can expect a lush evergreen tree, colours of bright green, lovely blue foliage, and to contrast, near white or yellow flowers and a garden with more flowers.
Pink rock lily is a very popular Australian native flower variety as are many yellow flowers which are also a great contrast when placed next to pink rock lily. Flower bouquets with freshly cut flowers are great as long as you remember to remove the flower spikes that may be on some varieties. Send native flowers or a flowering plant gift is also becoming very popular and is a much better option than wax flowers. Aumann’s is your best choice when it comes to Australia native flower varieties.
Native plant varieties and Australian plants, in general, are known for their durability. Desert plants will endure head and sandy soil, many varieties can endure both moist soil and sandy soil. Gum trees are very popular as are many varieties of tall shrubs if you are planning to grow a native garden.
Aumman’s has the best Australian native flowers that all possess a hardy nature and are well suited to Australia’s hot climate. The Australian native flower is ideal for wedding bouquets or s stylish wedding reception and makes for a great floral emblem including the national flower. Floral arrangements and flowering plants look great in garden beds and if same day delivery is available, they can be a simple and convenient gift. Contact our staff regarding same day delivery options.
Aumman’s has a huge range of tall shrub and tall trees. Grass trees are very popular as they don’t always require moist soil, the gum tree is well known fast growing tree throughout Australia which can also provide ground cover and light shade. Ground cover is very important for any healthy garden, We also have a diverse range of food plants such as mint bushes which help endangered species and the ecosystem, so pay us a visit